We all need safe drinking water to survive and almost every business needs reliable water.

Industrial plants and mining industries generate significant amounts of contaminants that can have devastating effects on the water bodies and their inhabitants.

Effluent guidelines from regulatory bodies such as Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF), aim to control water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants to surface waters.

Compliance, sustainability, and safety requirements have become even more stringent for environmental and public health and likely will continue to tighten in the coming years.

Why monitor water quality?

Your plant can conduct water quality monitoring for many purposes.

Five major purposes are to:

Determine whether program goals, such as compliance with pollution regulations or implementation of effective pollution control actions are being met.
Identify changes or trends in water quality over time.
Identify specific existing or emerging water quality problems.
Gather information to design specific pollution prevention or remediation programs; and
Respond to emergencies, such as fires, spills, and floods.

Some types of monitoring activities meet several of these purposes at once; others are specifically designed for one reason.

At Skyside, we will work with you to develop practical, strategic, custom solutions to water quality challenges.

We provide a variety of water quality services for the different water types.

We offer:

  • Comprehensive Drinking Water Analysis
  • Contracted Drinking Water Analysis
  • Mine Water Monitoring & Analysis
  • Industrial Effluent Analysis
  • Cooling Tower Water Analysis
  • Stormwater Analysis
  • Groundwater Analysis
  • Organic Water & Soil Analysis
  • Environmental Cyanide Analysis

Many pollutants remain in the environment for long periods, even up to years.

This creates severe health risks for people including cancer.

Water pollution is dangerous for the environment, causing deformities and reproductive harm among fish and wildlife.

Low-income communities and minorities living in proximity to industries are the most at risk from consuming the water and fish contaminated by industrial discharges.

Skyside is proud of our distinction of being the first South African emissions and dustfall testing company to achieve ISO 17025 accreditation for our most commonly applied methods and take great pride in the quality of our work.
Recognised in 2016 as the Leaders in Air Quality, we are at the forefront of stack emissions testing and air quality data.